On-Site Measurements

Providing expert field measurements to support compliance reporting, performance guarantees or customized computer modeling

Whatever your project, it’s likely that good outcomes will depend on correct measurement of the correct criteria. We design, build, install, operate and maintain all types of measurement and monitoring systems. We provide the instrumentation, staffing and software to deliver the data that will best meet your needs.

Technician with noise monitoring equipment on roadside

We own and operate an extensive selection of equipment, so we’re prepared to implement testing programs at any scale. Because we have access to this full spectrum of tools, from simple to advanced, we can tailor our resources to meet your specific needs.

But we think beyond equipment: Our teams combine expertise in measurement and modeling with deep knowledge of operations. This means that we choose measurements and recommend strategies that are correct, reliable, cost-effective and practical for your operational situation. Our programs yield valid results with the appropriate amount of effort.

Our Services

Each of our monitoring and measurement capabilities can be provided as a standalone service. However, they are often integrated into broader projects focused on assessment or mitigation of current or future operations.

We offer these services in the following broad areas:

(Click link to download fact sheet)

weather monitoring station


We have installed and maintained hundreds of meteorological stations throughout the world. These measurements are fundamental for wind energy, aviation, bridge and highway safety and construction projects. These stations are the foundation of our expertise on how the atmosphere interacts with the natural and built environment. Our staff are experts in meteorological measurements and instruments for winds, solar insolation, precipitation, temperature, adiabatic lapse rate, drying index and many other parameters.

We can install simple or complex stations that measure surface winds or upper air data to five kilometers. With our web-based reporting interface, you can access real-time measurements from your meteorological stations at any time or from any location. This software can also integrate site-specific forecasts with your meteorological station measurements; thus, you have both a record of past and current weather and a forecast of predicted conditions in a single interface.

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Air quality monitoring

Ambient Air Quality

Numerical estimates of air quality can be done cost effectively, but the only way to truly quantify air quality impacts is to measure them. As one of the largest full-service air quality firms in Canada, RWDI brings added value to ambient air quality monitoring projects. With our extensive knowledge of meteorology, industrial processes, atmospheric chemistry and regulatory guidelines, we provide a level of service that few competitors can match. We understand that you expect not only accurate measurements but also clearly communicated interpretations of those measurements.

We have completed thousands of ambient air quality monitoring projects. As an organization, we have the resources to complete long-term ambient monitoring with continuous monitoring stations, including concurrent meteorological measurements using web-based reporting interfaces. Such systems can also incorporate forecasts for potential air quality events. We have also completed many ambient air quality sampling campaigns with spot measurements for particulates (TSP, PM10, PM2.5), air toxics (VOCs) and criteria air contaminants (CACs).

On-site Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Fact Sheet

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Stack testing

Source (Stack) Sampling

In source (stack) sampling, we are especially skilled in conducting reliable, appropriate measurements for challenging sources. We are also experienced in emission factor development, compliance testing, and a range of policy and management concerns.

Regulations are becoming stricter and allowed contaminant limits are lower than ever. As a result, it becomes difficult to design and execute an emissions sampling program that will achieve reliable, usable measurements. At RWDI, we have the knowledge and foresight to do a "methodology check" before starting work, to make sure the right limits are being measured the right way—saving you time and money. Tools we have used successfully include U.S. EPA test methods, Environment Canada reference methods and the Ontario Source Testing Code, as well as custom-designed collection methods. Our field team has Qualified Source Testing Individuals (QSTI) and 20 years of testing experience.

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Odor testing


We have extensive experience in measuring indoor and outdoor odor sources and are among the leaders in advanced techniques for odor measurement. In addition to the required equipment, we have the field know-how and training to measure odor emissions from stationary point and fugitive sources. We work with a wide variety of sources ranging from process, laboratory and kitchen equipment to outdoor liquid and solid surfaces, such as lagoons, compost piles, and landfills.

Because we’ve spent years working with emissions data, we can verify the accuracy of estimated emissions where site measurements are not possible or impractical. These analyses draw on our unsurpassed background in predicting odor impact by using numerical dispersion modeling and knowledge of local meteorology.

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Airborne dust

Wind-blown Dust

Airborne dust can be a significant health hazard. As a result, dust emissions from industrial sites and construction activities are regulated in most jurisdictions worldwide. We leverage a full complement of active and passive air-sampling equipment and techniques to establish baseline conditions.

For surfaces such as material stockpiles or mine tailings, we have the unique option of deploying RWDI’s portable wind tunnel to quantify dust emissions in situ. We also offer customizable, web-based decision support and alarm capabilities. These services are based on real-time, source-specific measurement of ambient dust and weather conditions as well as local weather forecast information.

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Occupational Hygiene and Noise monitoring

Occupational Hygiene

Our expertise in on-site measurements also translates to workplace settings and industrial hygiene. We plan and carry out a range of measurements to evaluate and improve the safety and quality of workplaces like yours.

Indoor air quality. The air quality of an indoor environment can be compromised by internal and external factors. Whether the criteria come from OSHA, NIOSH, LEED, WELL or Green Globes, our expertise allows you to go beyond the identification and evaluation steps to develop solutions.

And when your assessment creates more questions than it answers, our experts have the know-how to resolve the issues. We have a track record of solving complex problems involving ventilation and pollutant transport between indoor spaces or between indoor and outdoor environments; this proven experience uniquely qualifies us to evaluate your indoor air quality.

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Occupational noise. To assess compliance with criteria for protecting hearing, we must anticipate and evaluate noise exposure. Our experts know which measurement tools and techniques are most effective at capturing continuous, transient and impulse noise. Our analysis and visual illustrations reveal trends and key contributors that can help you protect workers from hearing loss caused by elevated sound levels. When you want to develop engineering controls, we can advise you based on our experience with the full range of mitigation measures. Whether the requirements are simple or complex, we bring the right tools and experience to the job.

Noise and vibration monitoring

Noise and Vibration

When it is necessary to document noise and vibration, we achieve tailored solutions by using a large suite of measurement equipment supported by consultation and professional judgment. We have the tools and capability for solutions that range from simple event measurements to real-time warning notifications with web publication of data. For example, a real-time alert about high sound or vibration can offer an in-the-moment warning of the potential for damage at adjacent sites, exceedance of performance guarantees or complaints that damage community relations.

Measurements can also be used to supplement modeling. Models have become sophisticated, but the phenomena are complex and sometimes can’t be modeled fully. Situations where this strategy is commonly used include noise source identification, acoustic audits, verification of sound transmission within buildings (ASTC), measurement of vibration transmission into or within buildings, siting of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines and protection of sensitive items. But understanding a situation is more than selection of measurement equipment and advanced understanding of signal processing techniques. Our professional judgment is key to interpreting your measurement and modeling results correctly.

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geiscience operation


We can locate and quantify groundwater, monitor the quality of groundwater or surface water and monitor how processes and activities are affecting the nearby water and land. We have a track record of completing high-quality geoscience assessments under technically challenging field conditions. Typical applications of our expertise include environmental standards and regulatory compliance, site development and land-use changes, infrastructure development and construction.

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