Excess Soil Management

Streamline the process of regulatory compliance for excavated and excess soil.

Governments, through legislation, are continuing to increase requirements for businesses to meet specific regulations surrounding the management of excess and excavated soil. Ontario has been one of the leading provinces moving this legislation forward, especially when it comes to the development of properties. Ontario Regulation 406/19 describes the province’s new rules for the management of both on- and off-site excess soils, which includes assessment of past uses for the source site, development of sampling and analysis plans, soil characterization and reporting, as well as the tracking of soil movement.

Our service

RWDI helps you manage excess and excavated soil. Our expertise in this field, ranging from conducting past land use assessments to soil characterization reports, streamlines the process of navigating new and upcoming excess soil management restrictions from multiple levels of government. We can assist you with your on-site and off-site soil management needs.

excavator on sand bank

RWDI’s regulatory knowledge and expertise can help you navigate the complex legislation around excess soil management. Our team can support your project’s excess soil requirements by:

  • Investigating your source site’s past land use to determine if any areas of potential environmental concern (APEC) exist that would trigger more robust investigation and characterization of excess soils.
  • Evaluating and advising on the quality of excess soil at your site to determine a beneficial reuse of those soils either at your site or a third-party reuse site.
  • Providing the required source site documentation, movement reports, and assisting with streamlining the registration of those soils for transportation to a reuse site with Qualified Persons (QPs), as defined by O. Reg. 406/19.
  • Alternatively, assist receiving sites in:
    • developing fill management plans,
    • tracking and registration of soils,
    • verification sampling, and
    • documentation to assist the Receiving Site in their due diligence of incoming soils.
  • Leveraging expertise to assist you with obtaining an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for the development of a Class 1 soil management site (both soil banks and soil processing sites).
  • Collaborating to create a reuse site under an instrument per the exemptions outlined in O. Reg. 406/19.
  • Developing an action plan for residential and/or landscaping soil depots to ensure compliance with O. Reg. 406/19.