Optimized Acoustics for Functional and Captivating Spaces
Minimize disruptive noise or create exceptional architectural experiences that engage all the senses
While unseen, poor acoustics are often the most noticeable flaw to what could otherwise be exceptional design. Acoustics can hinder or enhance the functionality of a space. Including it in the early design and planning stage will not only create functional spaces but may also reduce costs by avoiding expensive retrofits.
With decades of experience, our acoustic consultants take a comprehensive approach to deliver first-rate sound solutions. With full-service engineering services under one roof, our expertise extends beyond noise and vibration assessments into all aspects of the built environment. This multidisciplinary approach means we can tackle even the most atypical acoustical projects and toughest challenges.

Building Acoustics
As acoustic engineers, we routinely go beyond room acoustics and into the science of sound as it affects an entire project.
Taking this holistic approach, we examine each component from the room in question, to the whole building, including its systems and the outside noise environment. This allows us to help you create a harmonious and functional space that is optimized for its intended purpose. We offer services for a wide range of buildings and spaces including:
- Commercial buildings, including retail and offices
- Residential buildings
- Music and entertainment venues and theatres
- Recording or broadcast studios
- Healthcare facilities like hospitals and medical centers
- Educational facilities, universities, and classrooms
- Places of worship
- Auditoriums, stadiums
- Swimming pools, atriums, and gymnasiums
- Museums, galleries, and libraries
- Airports and train stations
- Conference venues and halls
- Courtrooms
- Corporate Headquarters

Our acoustic consultants can help with:
- Building code compliance
- Building performance testing
- Construction noise and vibration
- LEED & WELL compliance
- Sound isolation and sound proofing
- Noise control and noise assessments
- Mechanical and electrical noise and vibration
- Speech privacy and intelligibility issues (speech audibility)
- Floor and ground vibration
- Creating calm or productive environments without distracting background noise
Room Acoustics
The functional needs of a space and its occupants can be entirely optimized or hindered depending on acoustics. Our sound engineers look at every aspect of room design to assess the best approach to acoustical harmony.

We look at the room shape and volume, the functional needs of the space, as well as the furniture and finishes to advise on a comprehensive design that puts function and quality first. Our acoustic consultants can help with:
- Selection and placement of acoustic finishes
- Reverberation times
- Minimizing detrimental reflections
- Speech intelligibility
- Music enjoyment
Why Choose RWDI
With decades of experience, our acoustic consultants are located in Canada, the U.S., U.K., and Australia and offer noise consulting services across the globe. We provide:
- A holistic approach
- State-of-the-art tools
- Global experience
- A culture of innovation
- Proactive and consultative design advice
- Clear and visual reports
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