Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Power Station

Anglesey, North Wales, United Kingdom

Satisfying regulatory requirements for a proposed nuclear power plant

The proposed Wylfa Newydd nuclear power station would be a £16 billion nationally significant infrastructure project.


  • The Challenge

    Our client required specialist support and added capacity to its in-house acoustics team during preparation of the Development Consent Order for the proposed power station.

  • Our Approach

    Our team of noise, acoustics, and vibration experts:

    • Assumed responsibility for the preparation of the Environmental Statement (ES) chapters for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) completed in advance of construction to satisfy government regulatory requirements (impact on residents, road schemes, construction, and operation of facility) for construction and operation noise and vibration at all proposed off-site facilities.
    • Predicted, assessed, mitigated, and prepared noise and vibration-related ES chapters over 12 months to support the Development Consent Order.
    • Collaborated with the client’s delivery team to handle the new HGV logistics centre, the extensive on-line and off-line highways improvements required to support the construction traffic movements, the new Park and Ride facility, the new maintenance and emergency services facilities, and inputs to the cumulative effects assessments and chapters.
    • Calculated construction noise for the Habitats Regulations Assessment work to assess the impact on native nesting bird species.
  • The Outcome

    The consent documentation was completed to demanding timescales and received environmental approval from the European Commission in 2018.