Determining how wind and shadows will affect the design of a new landmark building
A 23-story office building designed with sustainability in mind, Thetris will be a new landmark located on the outskirts of southern Milan.

The Challenge
As well as needing to determine the structural and cladding wind loads for the 40,000 square metre project, designers were interested in evaluating the shadow effects of the façade fins and how they could affect the energy performance of the building.
Our Approach
Drawing on RWDI’s decades of wide-ranging consulting experience, our world-class resources for physical and numerical modeling, and our extensive meteorological database, our team of experts:
- Determined the global structural wind loads and localized wind pressures acting on Thetris by testing a scaled model of the building and its surroundings in one of our boundary layer wind tunnels.
- Supported the structural engineer in refining details of the structural system that would allow material savings and a reduction in carbon footprint, while ensuring safety and comfort levels as per regulations.
- Utilized wind tunnel testing to determine cladding wind pressures to inform the design of the unique façade of the building.
- Conducted several studies on the shading effect of the façade fins for the calculation of internal energy expenditures, aiding the selection of glass façade elements.
The Outcome
Our highly detailed studies resulted in easy-to-understand, accurate assessments of the shadow effects of the façade fins, cladding wind loads, and structural wind loads, helping to refine and optimize the building design, ultimately adding value to it.