
Profile of Josh Evans

Josh Evans Internal
Josh Evans
Senior Acoustic Consultant

As a Senior Acoustic Consultant, Josh is responsible for the acoustic design and assessment of a wide variety of projects related to construction noise, building services, environmental acoustics, vibration, and building acoustics, in which he specialises. Josh is accountable for the day to day running of several projects and delivering high quality acoustic design advice that his clients can depend on. He manages projects from the early planning stages through to the design and commissioning, delivering project requirements to client satisfaction. Areas of acoustic design for these projects include sound insulation, reverberation, suitable internal noise levels, acoustics, ventilation and overheating, and assessment of room-side building services noise. In addition to this Josh is currently working on the assessment of noise and vibration pertaining to the construction of HS2, one of the largest infrastructure projects undertaken to date in the UK. This sees Josh managing Section 61 consents for multiple works areas, each stretching several kilometres in length across multiple local authorities, to ensure that works can continue without causing unnecessary disturbance to nearby residents and to avoid unnecessary delays to the works program.

A senior acoustic consultant responsible for the acoustic design and assessment of a wide variety of projects


    • MSc Acoustical Engineering, University of Southampton
    • BEng Electronic Engineering & Music Technology Systems, University of York

    • Member, Institute of Acoustics (MIOA)

    • Construction noise
    • Building services
    • Environmental acoustics
    • Vibration
    • Building acoustics