
Profile of Cini Anoop

Anoop Cini
Cini Anoop
Senior Scientist Engineer | Leader, Engineering | Associate Principal

Cini is a scientist and engineer who works with our loads and effects group in India. Her analysis and design recommendations have helped to enhance the performance of some of Asia’s most notable buildings and structures, including India’s Statue of Unity, expected to be the world’s tallest statue. In addition to delivering rigorous wind tunnel testing work for our clients, Cini builds the strength of our team by training junior staff in the tools and methodologies our loads and effects team uses to ensure the safety and performance of ambitious structures.

A wind specialist who delivers rigorous analysis for clients, and helps build the capacity of our loads and effects team


    • Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, India
    • Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), TKM College of Engineering in Kollam, Kerala, India

    • Professional Engineer, India

    • Cladding studies
    • Geometric optimization of buildings
    • High-frequency force balance studies
    • High-frequency pressure integration
    • Mentoring and training
    • Quality assurance
    • Tall buildings
    • Wind-induced structural responses
    • Wind loading
    • Wind tunnel testing