Thought Leadership

WEBINAR - Structural Wind Loads: Eurocode or Physical Testing?

Structural Wind Loads can be significantly affected by a number of parameters, including the building geometry and surrounding buildings. With the increasing cost of construction materials and a move towards more performance-based design there is an increasing requirement for a buildings structural system to be as efficient as possible. Therefore, having an accurate understanding of the wind loads acting on a building is becoming more critical than ever in the design of tall buildings. This webinar will discuss the methodology for assessing wind loads presented in the Eurocode and discuss the potential benefits of the use of alternative physical testing methodologies.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand some of the basic principles that effect structural wind loads on buildings.
  • Have an awareness of the conservatism and limitations inherent in the approach provide in the EN 1991-1-4 and its UK NA.
  • Have an awareness of the potential benefits of wind tunnel testing for the derivation of wind loads, resulting in material and cost savings.


  • Fabio Faseli, M.SC. C.ENG MIMECHE
    Supervisor Wind Engineering Team | Associate
  • Pietro Manica, M.SC. C.ENG MIMECHE
    Project Engineer

To register for this webinar please click the link below:

17 September 2024 | 1:00 PM (BST)