Thought Leadership

How Balcony Design Can Impact Building Sustainability

balcony design impacts sustainability

RWDI technical director, Aylin Ozkan, recently contributed her research expertise to a study that evaluated six distinct balcony designs, focusing on their thermal performance and global warming potential. The results of which offer a new understanding of carbon intensity in each design.

The study, titled Better Balconies offers a comprehensive look at the technical aspects of balcony design, emphasizing the necessity of comprehensive assessments during the early planning stages. By prioritizing this holistic approach to design assessments, the building industry can effectively balance various project contingencies (e.g., materials, costs, timelines) with sustainability targets and usability.

“Thermal breaks in balcony design are crucial for building performance and occupant comfort” says Aylin. “Yet true architectural excellence demands we look beyond thermal efficiency alone — weighing embodied carbon, construction speed, and cost. The analysis led by BDP Quadrangle [authors of the Better Balconies study] shows that the most successful balcony solutions combine thermal breaks with thoughtful design to create useful spaces while meeting carbon reduction targets.”

Read Better Balconies here