Climate Modeling
Get insight into the climate impacts for your project
Good design—of buildings, infrastructure, communities—hinges on an accurate understanding of climate. Underestimate the weather and the results are tangible: increased construction and operation costs; a reduction in the usable lifespan of a structure; and unhappy - or worse, unsafe - people.

We help identify the design factors that can be leveraged or moderated to make your project safe and sustainable.
Since 1972, we have been studying the interaction of the natural and built environment. Our climate modeling work is supported by a host of tools from wind tunnels, to water flumes, to high-performance computer simulation models. Our project teams - comprised of meteorologists, engineers, climatologists, and experts in numerical modeling - work collaboratively to help you better understand the physical and transitional climate risks impacting your business. Together, we can identify creative, optimized solutions, to any design challenge.